Job seekers are notoriously known for having certain pre-interview rituals – whether it’s for practicality, like reviewing the company’s website, or personal motivation (power poses!). Interviews, however, are a two-way street and certainly, interviewers have their own routines that they have implemented to keep them motivated during this time. We have gone to the hiring experts to find out: what are some things you do either before or during an interview to make sure that both you and the interviewee have a positive experience?
Cory Collins of Ample Opportunity, Inc says:
I’ve literally conducted thousands of job interviews during my 10+ years as a business owner. Here are my tips:
Arrive Early to the Office
I always arrive early to the office on interview days, regardless of what time the interviews start. By doing so, I find that I’m always caught up on the others things that need to be done. This gives me a chance to relax a bit before the interview, and it usually goes a lot smoother and never feels rushed.
Review Resume
I also take the time to thoroughly review their resume. This creates additional, non-scripted questions for me to ask during the interview, as I want each one to be individualized and specifically tailored for the person sitting in front of me, rather than generic.
[Follow Ample Opportunity, Inc Twitter!]
Dawn Boyer of D. Boyer Consulting told us:
Wear Professional Attire
One should always dress professionally to represent the company as the ‘brand’ and to ensure that the company sustains and retains a professional workforce environment and ‘personality.’ Dressing sloppily or unprofessionally indicates to the job seeker that ‘you don’t care’ about either your company, yourself, or the job seeker to respect their own professionalism. If there are extenuating circumstances, then explain that quickly and up front (e.g., I am sorry about my own presentation, but I was called out of town and interviewing you from the airport before I get on the plane, and am essentially in comfortable travel gear).
Laugh before you start the interview or go into the room or get online to start the interview – even if it’s a forced laugh. This will relax you, assist you in getting the scowl or overly serious look off your face, and imbue your personality with a little more friendliness, as well as pep up your own day.
[Follow Dawn on Twitter!]
Daniel Passov of Greek U shared with us:
Everyone knows how difficult it can be to interview for a new company. What those people don’t realize is that it can be difficult for the company leading the interview as well. Here are a couple of things our hiring managers to do prepare for the interview.
Prepare Meaningful Questions
Know the person you are interviewing. This is a two-sided interview. Both parties need to feel good about the experience. If you have the mindset that the candidate needs to sell you, then you need to rethink how you are hiring. Millennials want to feel a part of something bigger than themselves. They want to make a difference. If the candidate doesn’t feel like you are interested in them beyond what their work experience is, or what their biggest weakness, they will not feel a connection. Ask them questions that invoke feelings. Ask how they felt working for the last company. Ask if they believed in the company they last worked for. These are the questions that develop a deeper connection.
Be On Time
I expect my employees to be on time and I don’t want my first impression to make the candidates wait. It shows respect for everyone involved.
[Follow Greek U on Twitter!]
Mike Smith of SalesCoaching1 shared with us: one must treat an interview as a very important business prospect. Unfortunately, it seldom is given the same level of respect.
Here are couple reasons why:
$1 Million Dollar Sale
If you knew you were having a prospect come that could buy $1 million from you this year, what would you look like? Would your office and staff treat that person differently? That hire could produce that amount and more over the coming years!! Don’t they deserve the same treatment?
Treat Everyone Like a Potential Customer
No one ever hires every applicant, but they will get a job elsewhere. You don’t want them leaving your company feeling like you are an unprofessional firm. That person might end up being a key contact or a possible future customer! If you treat them right, they will remember. If not, they will also remember.
Are there other ways you prepare for interviews? We would love to hear from you! Sound off below and let us know your pro tips: