We all have rough patches and difficult times in our career and jobs, but if the signals that are telling us that something is amiss are chronic, and won’t go away, then it’s time to shift gears. It could be that it’s time to change jobs, pivot in small ways, or engage in a complete career transformation. If you’re emotionally struggling for at least 4-6 months in your line of work, it’s certainly time to explore new directions or interview for other jobs.
Is it Time to Jump Ship?
It’s important to know that sometimes it is just your particular job, employer or work culture that requires changing, not your whole career. Many people are inclined to chuck their careers when some smaller pivots are actually what’s required. Abandoning your career is not always the answer, even though it can certainly feel like is when you are in the thick of what feels like a downward spiral.
Self Sabotage and Braving Up
It’s also critical to understand that some of the challenges we face at work are exacerbated or “co-created” by our own internal challenges such as poor boundaries, lack of self-esteem, anger and emotional problems, or an inability to speak up and advocate for ourselves powerfully. In these cases, we need to embark on what I call a “brave up” process – to strengthen our self-concept, manage our emotions and communication more effectively, build our boundaries and learn to recognize and honor our top values and priorities.
People who adore their work and feel it’s infused with meaning, purpose, joy and financial reward have done the hard work to understand themselves fully and deeply, and have mustered the strength, bravery, and commitment to utilize their unique and special talents in ways that positively impact the world.
About the author:
Kathy Caprino, M.A. is an international career and personal success coach, writer, speaker and leadership developer dedicated to the advancement of women worldwide. Considered a “brave up” expert for professionals, Kathy is the author of Breakdown, Breakthrough, and Founder of Ellia Communications, Inc. and the Amazing Career Project and Amazing Career Coach Certification training. Kathy is also a Forbes, Huffington Post and LinkedIn contributor, TEDx speaker, and top media source on careers, women at work, leadership, success and personal growth, For more info, visit kathycaprino.com and connect with Kathy on Twitter, FB, LinkedIn and YouTube.