Top 6 Points to Include In Your Video Cover Letter Script

Top 6 Points to Include In Your Video Cover Letter Script

Applying online for a job? So of course you are preparing your video cover letter for your professional profile. But what should you say, exactly? Since video cover letters shouldn’t be longer than a minute, you’ve got to pack in the best of yourself, succinctly. Bang for buck – that’s what you’re going for.

The key to success is a script. Just as you might rewrite an email or paper cover letter a few times over, so too should you prepare your video cover letter.  Here are the top six points to include in your script, each one […]

Which Images Should You Include in Your Professional Profile?

Which Images Should You Include in Your Professional Profile?

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? These days, we’re bombarded with thousand-word choices, now that your phone is your camera. Snap, snap, snap – any second of the day, be it a selfie with a friend in front of a waterfall, a quotable slogan on a highway billboard, or the snow-topped Rockies in mid-flight. Wherever you go, there’s a picture to be had, each one easy to snap, and even easier to delete. There’s no end to trial and error where the thousand words’ worth is concerned.  All professionals have gone digital as well, producing hundreds of images […]